

Christmas in a box

Die Klasse 9C beschäftigte sich im Rahmen des Englisch-Unterrichts bei OStRin Reiß mit Aphorismen und Zitaten, die anhand einer kurzen Geschichte greifbarer gemacht werden sollten. Die folgende Geschichte mit dem Titel „Christmas in a box“ ist dabei entstanden und kann zum Nachdenken anregen. 

It was some day in December when I sat in class and my teacher talked about a new project called “Christmas in a box”. It was all about giving joy to people with less money than we have. As the teacher asked who was interested in taking part in that project, I decided to raise my hand and I was given a paper about it. When I came home later that day and told my parents about it, they were pretty excited about it as well and promised me to help buy and organize things. It was then as we sat at the dinner table and were planning things when my dad said something really meaningful: “All who would win joy must share it”, and my mom added smiling: “happiness was born a twin.”


On the 25th of December in South Africa a twelve-year old kid named Charlie was given a nicely decorated packet. As he went home to open it with his family he would feel the greatest joy he had ever felt. The box was filled with a lot of useful but also with a lot of fun stuff. At the bottom of that box he found a tiny lilac paper with the most meaningful thing for him to read.

All who would win joy must share it, happiness was born a twin.


He lived according to that quote from then on, and so did Mia.

Hanna Z., Anna G., Fiona P., Tobias A. (9c)